Red eyes, blurry vision, pain or a gritty sensation? Dr. Korkis offers same day appointments to new and existing patients. Call her office right away so that she can take you out of pain, offer you immediate relief and give you the answers you need to care for your eyes and your vision.

“Yes, we can see you today. When can you come in?” 

Oftentimes, if an emergency is ignored and untreated, it can lead to more serious problems down the road. Some of which include permanent and/or irreversible damage to vision. And at the very worst, sight loss. 

The good news is that when you take action and get seen right away, not only will you find relief, but you drastically reduce the risk of harming your vision.

Symptoms that require immediate treatment include, but are not limited to: 

  • Eye Infections
  • Uncomfortable, itchy or irritated eyes
  • Foreign material stuck in the eyes
  • Red or painful eyes
  • Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes
  • Eye trauma
  • Scratched eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Dislodged contacts or broken contact lenses/eye glass in the eye
  • Floaters 

“She saved my sight! Saw me right away. Couldn’t be more happier with Dr. Korkis’s knowledge on how to treat me accurately and save my vision.” – Saleha M

© 2021 Dr. CK